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Punxsutawney Phil?


“Hang on Tight” 72′ x 72′ x 1.5

I have missed having my studio open for visitors and participating and visiting art shows.  This past year has been quite an adjustment and I sometimes feel like Punxsutawney Phil peeking my head above the ground wondering if it is safe to come out.   I am writing this as the sun is shining outside my window so I am going to take that as a sign that the clouds are lifting and life will be renewed.  Yes, I am a glass half-full person and will proceed with that optimism.

The first part of the pandemic was such a foreign feeling, being creative didn’t come easy. As time went on and I adjusted to this new reality, I began to be inspired again. Recently, I have been painting everyday almost as if I am making up for that ‘Covid’ lost time.  I want to get out into the world my newest creations.

So…I am opening my studio (via zoom or Facetime) for a private art show just for you. ❤  Also, I will be happy to have visitors to my studio on Whidbey Island with social distancing and mask-wearing protocol in place.

“Interrobang” 36″ x 36″







I love sharing my art with the world… and you!  If you would like to visit me, either online (Zoom) or in-person – let’s schedule it.


”Art As I See It” is a column by Barbara Mosher In which she provides her insight on the world of art, including thought-inducing commentary, the process of art, and to showcase artists.

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